7 Ways to be Physically Affectionate…Aside From Sex


Sometimes, romantic couples can get in a “romantic rut,” where your physical interaction feels like it’s on replay. Scientists have found that positive physical touch helps us stay healthy and emotionally well-balanced, but when your physical interactions get repetitive, they lose some of their meaning and significance.

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3 Ways to Tell if Your Sex Life is Struggling and How to Fix It


When it comes to sex, like so many other areas of our lives, it can be easy to use comparison as a gauge of how well we’re doing. We ask ourselves, “Am I having it as often as my friends?” “Enjoying it as much as my partner?” “As much as I used to?” but comparisons and memory can fail, so here are three ways to tell if your sex life is struggling (and how to fix it) without involving anyone else’s opinion in the equation.

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