New Release! Seducing My Lesbian Professor

Seducing My Lesbian Professor


It’s out! My newest erotica ebook is ready to be unleashed: Seducing My Lesbian Professor.


Class is in session with this explicit story about a taboo relationship between a professor and her student. Check out the summary:

Erin has a problem. She’s attracted to one of her students.

Maybe it was the long chats after class or the flirty looks Cassia gave her, but Erin can’t take it anymore. She has to make her move. Except Cassia doesn’t show for their normal after-hours chat. With the semester at an end, Erin thinks it’s all over until she hears a knock at her door.

She could be fired if anyone finds out.

Forbidden fruit tastes so good.



I want to give a huge thanks to everyone on my Launch Team, who are invaluable for their feedback. And of course, thank you to my readers for all your support. I owe everything to my readers and their continual patronage.

If you’d like, read below for a sample of the story.



Seducing My Lesbian Professor 


At ten minutes to twelve, Erin started a pot of coffee and unlocked the door. She tucked the pile of papers from her freshman seminar into a corner where no prying eyes would try to glean their grade before their time and waited for the trickle of students to begin. This late in the semester, she knew to expect a steady flow; students were desperate to save the grades they’d spent the past couple of months neglecting.

  She tried not to let it irritate her, although it usually did. Up until this point, she knew who to expect; the well-meaning but confused students who had never learned how to write a research paper. Those students in particular lit a fire in Erin, strong enough to keep her going through the frat boys who tried to flirt their way out of failing grades and over-partied girls whose tears about their GPA were mostly hangover-induced. At least there were some students who cared.

  She did, of course, have a favorite. She played favorites shamelessly, without questioning it. There were students who put in the effort and students who did not. Students who were driven and bright, who cared about the study of history and defended it passionately while some students questioned the reason for teaching it at all.

  Since September, when Cassia had presented herself at Erin’s door with questions regarding the role of the Anglican Church officers during the American Revolutionary War, she’d taken a spot in Erin’s heart as well as at the head of the class.

  Of course, Erin admitted to herself in moments of weakness that opportunities for mentorship rarely presented themselves in such an attractive package. Short and fiery with a cap of black curls framing her heart-shaped face, Cassia was certainly something to look at, though Erin tried not to. Even though Erin was just brushing thirty to Cassia’s twenty-one, as long as Cassia was her student, she couldn’t be anything more.

  This was made more difficult because Cassia didn’t only fascinate Erin, she inspired and challenged her. Over cups of black coffee they had hotly debated the loyalty of Charles Lee to the American cause, Benedict Arnold’s turning point in relation to his frustrations with Washington, and whether the Marquis de Lafayette had really escaped France to join the American cause by dressing as a woman.

  Their conversations were full of laughter, seeming to stretch on for hours with neither of them worrying about the time until they were parted by intrusive knocks at the door. Cassia always groaned as she lifted her backpack, leaving a half-finished cup of coffee with lipstick across the rim, promising to continue later.

  Erin couldn’t help wishing that after four, when she locked the door once more before her class on constitutional history started, Cassia would be on the other side, asking to come in and make one last point.

  However, constitutional history class had ended, and she only had one last set of office hours between her and closing the gradebook on a semester she’d enjoyed. And while her phone was ringing off the hook with freshmen on the other end desperately trying to make excuses as to why they deserved that extra point she wouldn’t be giving them, few people actually showed up.

  Cassia hadn’t shown at her customary time, or any moment after. And why would she when she had the highest grade in the class? Erin tried not to feel disappointed with every passing knock at the door. The girl could do as she pleased. Maybe they’d see each other next semester, though Cassia wasn’t in any of her rosters, so that was a questionable prospect. It’s fine, Erin thought. I’m not getting upset over a twenty-one-year-old girl. I’m not.

  But that was a lie.

(end of sample)





19 thoughts on “New Release! Seducing My Lesbian Professor

  1. I wanted to purchase your book. Clicked on the picture and then the underlined title…did find the link after but thought I would let you know. I am going to purchase it now and will give you an authentic review. Thank you for walking this path. I appreciate you! From my heart to yours, Joy


      1. Loved it! Sexy, authentic, fast paced, lots of lust and action. Thank you for sharing your beauty! I gave you a 5 star review.


      2. Thank you, Joy. I really appreciate your feedback. I just published another f/f story called Warming the Neighbor that is yet to be officially announced. I hope it goes over as well as the one you read did. : )


      3. Yes, I noticed that my review wasn’t on your page. I don’t know if there is a delay but I will make sure to check on it tomorrow. I know each positive review and order truly helps. I love your work and look forward to reading more!


      4. If you want to write a post promoting your books on my blog please let me know. I have had over 1 million readers in the past 5 years, so posting on this blog helps a lot with SEO and you may even get some direct sales.


      5. I could put it on the Fearless With Joy site but I was thinking a blog post on Tantrachick. Basically just your bio, and a bit of information about you, possibly the first few paragraphs of one of your stories and then a link to your books.My review is active yay!


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